IGB Being Removed

Issue #127 resolved
Steven Harrigan created an issue

The in-game browser is officially being removed! A tentative date has been set for October 11th, 2016.

This will break a lot of Tripwire functionality unless CREST support is added for the features. A few examples include user tracking, auto mapping, route setting, etc.

Comments (16)

  1. Ronald Legere

    The blog said that they did add (to CREST) tracking a characters location among a few other things.. did the things they add provide enough to support Tripwire through CREST?

  2. Steven Harrigan reporter

    Yep! Everything I mentioned can be done through CREST. They made sure to have the endpoints for user tracking and route/autopilot editing set up and tested before trying to make people switch. The only thing missing is the location endpoint doesn't have the ship type in it. That can be retrieved via the fleet endpoints, technically, but I assume that would probably fall under the scope of a different tool now.

  3. Ashy

    We'll keep this issue left up to track progress on IGB/CREST work, if you have something useful to bring to the table the pop it in here. Similar tickets will be marked as duplicates

  4. Nuadi

    I'm throwing my hat in to help. I suddenly have an invested interest in this project continuing in the Fall. What can I do and where do I do it?

  5. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Unless your familiar with CREST implementation or have been working on Tripwire code, preferably both, it will probably take too long to explain what is needed then worth while.

    However there are other aspects that can help the project... * Wiki pages detailing how to use Tripwire * SQL optimizations * Laravel conversion

    Not to mention the obvious donations and promotional work.

  6. Nuadi

    I have a half-dozen tools written that use CREST, the XML API, and the SDE to varying degrees so I'm fine there. I am working on getting a development server online at the moment, and will start diving through the codebase tonight after work.

    I will scan the wiki pages for what's there, and update them as I go. I actually value good documentation, so I have no problem writing it.

  7. KBrackentech

    @nuadi, if you need help setting up a dev server, I have set up 2 on azure and have explicit instructions written out I can share. I will add them to the readme when I have time. I'll get in slack as soon as I get my invite.

  8. Steven Harrigan reporter

    @KrandasBrackentech let us know when you do. I'd also like to set up an environment when I get back (on a trip this week) but I'd likely be on AWS rather than Azure (just because I already have an account and everything). Either way, in depth instructions would be awesome.

  9. KBrackentech

    @def_monk That's fine. None of the info is Azure specific. I'll update this thread when I've got something together.

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