Parse wormhole information text

Issue #13 on hold
Jason Dew created an issue

Add option to paste text from the wormhole information, which would fill in Leads (Class-1/2/3/4/5/6, Null/Low/High-Sec), Life, Mass, and the hole size.

A listing of the possible text strings can be found at:

Comments (7)

  1. Kalimborel Kal

    I think its a great idea, not wanting to jump in the wh and still indicate to mates if it is a C1-3 a C4 or.. and so on

  2. Michael Michael

    Sounds shiney - could be even better if you can still paste this anywhere onto the window, when tripwire detects info text instead of signatures it can give you the existing "Which signature would you like to update?" dialog

  3. Ashy

    Marked as on hold while CREST work is done. Upgraded from trivial as it seems to be a feature several people would want

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