Left justify "Leads To" column

Issue #130 resolved
Pezz created an issue

Hi there,

Is there some usability reason that the "Leads To" column is centred?

It makes doing visual comparisons between stuff in-game and TW in a browser tricky.

An option to toggle the text centred or left-justified would be awesome.


Comments (9)

  1. Ashy
    • changed status to open

    It isn't something we've really had an issue with before. If you have several that you want to look at right this second then you can alter the CSS in the F12 menu in chrome. I applied a 'text-align: left'

    You can make it look like this: http://i.imgur.com/2Ql7gw0.png I applied it to the SigTable and that will stay until a page refresh.

    As for built in functionality, I'll open this ticket for us to look at and see what we can do

  2. Pezz reporter

    Yep! That's exactly how I'd like to look.

    Sometimes, when people add Data or Relic Sites, they add the name of the site and it really skews the output.

    Thanks for the consideration.


  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I don't have a reason why to keep it centered and completely open to making it left aligned. Should we throw up a 1 day poll or something maybe or just change it?

  4. Pezz reporter

    Can't believe the response times here - wonderful. :)

    I'm not pushing for a global change, but I'm a Signal Cartel member that helps maintain a bunch of Thera corp bookmarks, and having the list left-justified would help me do eye-ball comparisons quicker.

    Perhaps making it an option would keep everyone happy?

  5. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Creating options or settings adds complexity and would require some 20 lines of code vs 1 line of code to just change it globally.

    Not saying we can't make an option I just prefer not to if everyone agrees on something.

  6. Pezz reporter


    Well, it's your call.

    I haven't had enough practice at it, but I could perhaps work out a Greasemonkey script to override the CSS?

  7. Ashy

    Greasemonkey script would work for personal use but if it's going to look better left aligned then we may as well change it globally as Daimian says. I'll pull together a little poll with some screenshots after work and we can see what people think looks best

  8. Pezz reporter


    Whatever happens - thank you so much for the responses, really appreciate it.


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