Merge multiple masks/corp/public

Issue #133 on hold
Former user created an issue

The mask system is very confusing. Instead I suggest a hierarchy of multiple data sources, which might include corp/alliance/public and also masks. After arranging the possible data sources into a hierarchy, allow the user to select which one(s) he's currently writing to with pastes/tracking.

That is, gather the signatures from all data sources the user has access to, and merge them, resolving conflicts in favor of the users chosen hierarchy. In this way everyone can easily mix public and Thera wormholes into their map (Instead of making Thera a special option in other places of the UI).

One reason the mask system is so confusing is that some corps have masks named the same as or similarly to their alliance or corp. (Eve-Scout being a big one of them)

-- Mobius Chimera

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