Request: Enable different favorites for different tabs for route planning

Issue #139 on hold
Former user created an issue

Request: Enable only certain favorited systems on certain tabs as needed instead of the current "all favorites or none" for all tabs.

For instance, say you are in w-space system J999999, and regularly go to a null-sec system O1Y, but also travel to trade hubs. Your first tab would focus on J999999 and would have favorite O1Y enabled, so you always see the shortest route to O1Y. However, tab 2 would also focus on J999999, but instead of having favorite O1Y enabled, you have major trading hubs, like Jita for instance.

This way you could switch tabs depending on what you want your destination to be. Currently it's either all favorited systems or none, and you can't enable/disable on a per-tab basis.

Comments (3)

  1. Ashy
    • changed status to open

    Sounds like a useful addition. As with many other requests, though, we'll probably have to look at this after CREST implementation. We may however be able to work it in but we'll see

  2. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I am thinking about refactoring the favorite system feature - but this is likely going to require a major feature release since it will take a decent bit of code.

    @Ashypaws I honestly do not know if we should leave this ticket open or create a new ticket about refactoring the favorite system feature... open to suggestions

  3. Ashy

    Sounds good Daim, leave this on hold though for now and we can create that new ticket when time comes to do another release (using this held one as a reference)

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