Tripwire needs a way to mark a wormhole unwoken

Issue #14 duplicate
Former user created an issue

Sometimes when a static wormhole crashes, there is a tactical reason not to wake up the new static immediately. For example when everyone in the fleet is about to go to sleep or afk. Tripwire however immediately starts the expiration countdown for the new hole as soon as it has been added. This leads to silly situation where 16 or 24 hours later Tripwire may automatically remove a wormhole that's in perfectly good shape. There should be a way to mark a wormhole to be unwoken. Some other tools (e.g. EWS) have this ability.

It's a good thing that Tripwire already has this option for all other sigs except wormholes ("Life = Infinite").

Comments (4)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    This is an excellent point and full control over all signatures makes perfect sense. I am really pushing this in the next patch which will include a brand new add/edit signature window. I will address this issue also!

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