Inaccurate lifetime of Thera statics on eve-scout website

Issue #164 on hold
Enkidu Nagata created an issue

Hi, I'm one of the more involved Thera scouts, and since I started scanning for Eve Scout I've noticed a persistent wormhole lifetime discrepancy between Thera statics (Q063, V898 and E587) and non-statics as presented on the website. Namely, the statics are always listed with an incorrect default lifetime of 24h, as opposed to the accurate lifetime of 16h which is applied to all non-statics.

Interestingly, if I do a simple edit of any static wormhole in Tripwire (edit > enter), the website will register this change by updating the wormhole with correct remaining lifetime (16h minus the time that has elapsed since it was initially logged). For instance, if a static is 2h old in Tripwire, the website will show its lifetime as <22h. After I edit it (either edit > enter, or edit its sig ID or its type to another static type), the website will update the wormhole to a remaining lifetime of <14h.

I am not certain to what extent, if at all, is this issue tied to the tripwire database. In case it is, my main question is whether this static/non-static lifetime discrepancy can be resolved.

If you have any questions, do let me know.


Comments (7)

  1. Enkidu Nagata reporter

    The list you've linked does not contain any of the mentioned statics (Q063, V898, E587), or any Thera designated wormhole types.

  2. Enkidu Nagata reporter

    That list does contain all Thera connections, and they all appear to have correct lifetime and destination region. What do you suggest could be the issue then?

  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Could be related to the way the signature editing works when changing the wh type. Hopefully someone can look into this more but if not I am hoping the new signature add/edit code will simply make this issue disappear

  4. Ashy

    Marking as held as it isn't top priority. Please do however continue to investigate if you like. Poke Ashley Traynor on Tweetfleet slack if needed

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