Add "Unknown Space", "Dangerous Unknown Space," "Deadly Unknown Space"

Issue #174 on hold
Former user created an issue

A lot of the time you can't tell which class a K162 is, just that it is C1~3 or C4~5. Just like the "Null-Sec," "Low-Sec" and "High-Sec" placeholders could you also add Unknown Space and Dangerous Unknown Space placeholders?

Comments (6)

  1. Ashy

    Actually it's entirely possible to tell what type of wormhole it is at a glance from just the appearance. I had originally thought the same as you but instead used it as motivation to learn more about identifying wormholes.

    It's a pretty damn useful skill to have and isn't too hard to learn from the right resources

  2. Ashy

    Ah, I apologise. there is however another trick to it. You can focus on the shapes of the nebulae inside of each wormhole instead of the colours. Every wormhole has a distinct shape that you can see when you rotate the camera around it and you can use that instead.

    This video may be usesful

  3. David

    it's all good, i've tried it and have about a 50% success rate...meh I was more or less giving support to the idea :)

  4. Skye

    Well, even if you can technically tell the class by the color, my use case isn't pinpointing the class of the wh but rather a sort of triage: I might tag one WH as leading to C1-3, another as leading to C4-5, and another to C6, and then quickly glance at my map to pick which wh to go through next.

    My current workaround to not having the ability to tag a range of classes is simply naming to bookmark "IZF C4-5" or "ECC C6" but it would be a nice QoL change to consolidate all this info in Tripwire.

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