
Issue #175 closed
David created an issue

Not sure what is causing this but I am constantly having to reauthorize Crest. So far I have been online for 6 hours and have had to reauthorize about 8-9 times. Sometimes it will be tracking just fine then not follow me through a hole. When I check, it needs to be reauthorized. Not sure what's triggering it but it's been getting worse recently.

Comments (2)

  1. Kraesk

    This is not isolated to Tripwire's main deployment, but also to hosted private servers like ours. Annoying, but CCP IS doing a lot of work on ESI and changing/adding/removing scopes through SSO for that, so possible that it's a side effect of that.

  2. Ashy

    We'll leave it at that for now. In an effort to keep the log tidy I'll close this.

    If the issue does keep popping up then please raise it again and we'll investigate other causes :)

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