can't create new account

Issue #187 closed
unitra created an issue
  • I used link to create API
  • I'm trying from few days

all the time same result: API requires 'Account Status' permission. Cached Until:


Comments (6)

  1. Kraesk

    I just tested the account creation process....

    No errors. Can you please submit more detailed steps of what is going on?

  2. unitra reporter

    im using firefox browswer unfortunetly i have steam acount in eve (not shure does it matter)

    I'm typing character name: _ __ I'm typing password and then repeat in right filed

    then I'm typing on left: __ (key id) then on right ______ (acces mask)

    pres next button. and after few seconds get red sign: API requires 'Account Status' permission. Cached Until: 11:55:31 EVE

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