cannot create acount

Issue #190 resolved
stephen middlemiss created an issue

after name password and creating a new api plus verification code i get this message API requires 'Account Status' permission. Cached Until: 05:35:45 EVE

Comments (6)

  1. Kraesk

    I just tested this like two days ago, and it was working fine. You sure you're pasting in the API key and verification code, and they are in the correct boxes, etc?

  2. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    This issue comes up a LOT... I bet it has been brought to my attention 100s of times now. 99 times out of 100 it has been user error. Typically because ppl are trying to use a full API key (all permissions) or one without any permissions. Tripwire requires an EXTREMELY specific API key to make it much less likely someone can use an API key you used for some other purpose like corp recruitment to hijack your Tripwire account.

  3. stephen middlemiss reporter

    well i have tried the with book mks standings locations and character info pasted api id pasted api v code and still no joy with still the same result so it is a problem if its so hard to register looking at other mapping tool thx API requires 'Account Status' permission. Cached Until: 11:14:10 EVE if it require a specific api key then send it then authenticate the account for security purposes would be better imo .Ive also raised this issue with tech on my eve account to see if thier is an issue with verification of third party programmes .

  4. Ryan Carlton

    The API key must ONLY have 'Account Status' active, and no other permissions. To confirm this, the Access Mask in API Key Management should read '33554432'.

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