system status and system activity are not shown

Issue #196 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi, I've successfully setup tripwire on our server. Everythings fine, but the system status(online players) and the system activity (npc kills, pod kills...) are not shown.

Modified the api_pull with the required root path´s, but the tables in eve_api are not gonna be filled with data.

What can be the error?

Thanks for your great work!

Comments (6)

  1. Ryan Carlton


    Are you having this problem only in wormhole space or in all (k-space) systems? Eve does not provide system statistics such as the NPC kills, jumps, and PVP activity for wormholes, but it should still be working in high, low, and null security space.

  2. Mgra_79

    This problem exists only in k-space. If I map a new B274 from a c2 into hs, no statistics are loaded. Even the server status next to the current system is not shown.

    I think it is a connection problem between the database and the php files. But I can`t find the solution at all...!


    database eve_api will not be filled, but the api_pull.php will be fired by cron correctly and all path´s are correctly edited.

    Crest verification, tracking and everything else is working perfectly, just the problem above still exists.

    Thx for help.

  3. Ryan Carlton

    Confirming when you say "all paths" are corrected, that the path for:, api.class.php, and later down the file activity.csv are all updated. Also make sure that activity.csv already exists in the path you've chosen (make a blank file if necessary).

    require(realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/');
    require(realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/api.class.php');
    $csv = fopen(realpath(__DIR__) . '/activity.csv', 'w');

    and of course, the call to insert the data at line 112:

    // Insert data
        $stmt = $mysql->prepare($query);
        $stmt->bindValue(':path', realpath(__DIR__) . '/activity.csv');

    If all those are correct, hop on to tweetfleet slack and I can help you troubleshoot deeper.

    Invite if you need it: Then join channel #tripwire-dev

  4. Mgra_79

    Hi Belriel,

    up to now it isnt running at all. I think it is a simple error in my path entries. can you send me a PM Char "Ion Gardna" with the links of your and api_pull.php? I think it`s easier to see where my errors are there.

    Of course you can clean up your login data for your database ;-)

    Thank you!

  5. Mgra_79

    Now I know why it doesnt run. My hoster doesnt provide "LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE" command because of security reasons. So I went to the tripwire.php and switched the property to :hidden and made some customization there.

    Everythings fine, just the refresh of the corpmates in the system. The first group show up and 5 seconds later the 2nd group show up and the first one disappears. The events in the database works fine! Don´t know what to fix.

  6. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    For now Tripwire requires LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE for system activity - someone will have to find another method to quickly insert 1,000s of rows to change it

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