Logged Out Characters Still Show on Map

Issue #202 resolved
David created an issue

First off, I love the new setup and being able to see ships again. Thank you.

All of the characters in our corp are still showing on the map in the last system that they logged out in. Let me know if you need more details, I'm drawing a blank on what more I can include that would help.

Comments (4)

  1. Caboosette

    Same here. Once logging out of eve, tripwire still behaves as if still logged into the game. The players name and ship remain listed until the browser is closed, and the events clean the active and tracking tables.

  2. Ryan Carlton

    This is a feature of ESI. There is currently no endpoint to determine whether a character is logged in or not, so Tripwire uses the active session to determine activity.

  3. Steven Harrigan

    It's hard for me to say "it's a feature", but it kind of is. The new location setup that was just released uses ESI, the new api. With ESI, location information still works even when you're not logged into the game. As such, tripwire has no idea whether or not to stop tracking you unless you remove the character from location services or close the browser.

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