Undo still not re-adding system name

Issue #210 resolved
Pezz created an issue


When using undo, only the sig ID is being re-added and not the system name.


-- Sanxion

Comments (12)

  1. Hum17


    On mine, undo reverted to type of relic instead of wormhole. Wormhole type was still visible on the list but had to manually re-enter it.

    System name and as such the map of surrounding WHs were lost.

    Can see it's being worked on but just updating with my details. Thanks!

  2. Pezz reporter

    Got bitten by this super hard tonight - all of our Thera sigs were accidentally removed. Luckily all of the necessary info was recorded in our corp bookmarks.

    Anyway - not only when you undo does it not add the system back, but when you go to correct an "undone" sig (i.e. double click to edit it), it defaults to a Relic site. You then have to change it to WH and re-add the WH type etc.

    Luckily manually entering the correct details does not reset the age.

    This really needs to be fixed ASAP, undo is really broken.

  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I am working on this issue in a major update this week + weekend. I will try to keep on this so please keep bugging me about it

  4. Mgra_79

    Issue is still there. Undo kills all WH connections and make them relic sites. Please fix that as soon as possible ;-)

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