System shows as bookmarked, when bookmark not enabled

Issue #211 resolved
Дмитрий Литвиненко created an issue

Hello. There is one system (at least which a have found) that always showed when I enable bookmarks ("add favorite systems to chain"). But system is not marked with it (favorite star indicator) (noratos.png). I have already played with clearing cache, disabling tracking for account. No result. When I enable bookmarked systems it always show me Notoras and really bookmarked other systems (Teonusude) (bookmarks_enabled.png).

When I mark Notoras as bookmarked (notoras_bookmarked.png) and enable "add favorite systems to chain" this system shows twice (bookmarks_enabled_when_notoras_bookmarked.png)

P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

Comments (6)

  1. David

    I have had this happen in the past and I found someone that posted a solution to fix it. I believe there is something that you have to edit in the browser console and it will clear it. I'm trying to find the thread that had the instructions in it. I used it and it fixed my issue.

  2. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    There is a button at the bottom of the Tripwire settings window to reset your settings. Just be sure to save your settings otherwise it could revert back. It sucks to lose all your settings but the issue is still eluding me.

  3. David

    I've been trying to reset my settings through the menu (so I can clear 4 systems that I unfavorited that won't disappear) and when I refresh the page it reverts back to my previous settings. Is that what it's supposed to do? I was under the impression that it would reset it to default. BTW, i can open a separate issue if this is a bug.

  4. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    You must save your settings after using the reset button - the reset is only temporary otherwise.

  5. David

    It was a browser cache issue with Chrome. I ended up resetting it in Firefox then cleared cache in Chrome and it fixed it.

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