Use recent activity from killboard for wormhole systems

Issue #216 on hold
Oliver_Kalder created an issue

Currently, the system information window for wormholes systems is mostly blank since activity data isn't available. I propose that for wormhole systems, this area show the recent activity from a killboard site, such as zKillboard. This will give the user good intel on how active a particular wormhole system might be.

K-space systems should remain as they are since the data is available for them.

Comments (4)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    @Oliver_Kalder I considered doing something like this - and it is possible. It would not be as consistent as the current data since that is pulled directly from EVE API and never changes.

    While testing, I found that it can take several hours to an entire day before kill mails have all been processed and added to zKillboard for a single system.

    Also I have considered other uses for that area - like providing a system map of the planets and stargate positions. Toggling between the activity graph and the "system map"

  2. Oliver_Kalder reporter

    It sounds to me like you are talking about k-space systems and I did say that the data for k-space (high sec, low sec, null sec) is fine and shouldn't be changed. What I'm talking about is making that area dynamic based on whether the system is j-space (i.e. wormholes) or k-space. If it is j-space, then there is no data from the Eve API, so even 1 day old killboard data is better than what it is now, which is no data at all.

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