Idea: how to prevent pod express from linking a system to your ex-hole

Issue #217 resolved
Dmitriy Likhten created an issue

Currently we have a mechanism for disambiguity when jumping into a hole (say there are 2 possible c5s and you jump into one). Tripwire will ask "was it sig a or b".

If tripwire notices that you just went from a system into another system with no unknown signatures, it can ask the question:

"Did you just get podded?"

If the person says yes, don't link. Otherwise behave as normal.

This will solve issues of current API limitations and can work as a temporary fix until we have a better solution using the API heuristics like "if you jumped somewhere unknown via a pod and there was no known place for you to jump, you probably are dead"

Comments (6)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Thanks for the idea, it may be worth trying.

    I am about to push code to Galileo that will monitor the system change and only perform and automapper attempt if your ship has been updated after your last location change. Lets see if that helps.

    I also spoke with CCP today about combining the location and ship type end-points into 1 which would help a lot. They agreed it was wise and would change it soon(tm).

  2. Valtyr Farshield

    And if you answer yes, Tripwire can also make fun of you in addition to not making any connections :)

  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Last night's release should have made this issue much better. Further improvements down the road with CCP's ESI changes

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