Eve-scout chain not disabling/reseting

Issue #225 resolved
Jacek Nawrat created an issue

Eve-scout chain for thera cannot be disabled once it has been enabled.

Also if disabled it will reset itself to the enabled state with next refresh and will stay stuck on enabled

Comments (4)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    @Tyrowski I cannot seem to re-create this issue myself. It seems to work just fine for me. Any more info you can provide, like browser?

  2. Jacek Nawrat reporter

    Ok, so took me a moment to recreate, because it seems to just be a special circumstance and it seems easy to go around it, but I managed to recreate the bug:

    1. Erase all tabs
    2. Create new tab starting from Thera, make sure eve-scout chain is off
    3. Reload page, the default system for the tab will change to jita (at least it did for me)
    4. Select Thera as main system
    5. At this point it displays thera eve-scout data in the chain even though the option is off. Reloading, ticking-unticking does nothing.

    Solution, have more than one tab it seems. I'll let you know if something else pops up

    p.s. My browser is chrome on win10, Version 55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit)

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