Can't create Account problem with API

Issue #232 closed
Former user created an issue

Hi, i tried creating a new account on Tripwire but i get this message. API requires 'Account Status' permission. Cached Until: 08:56:36 EVE i have the key and access mask is 0. the key is set to never expire. I have deleted my old API keys and even tried with the new keys,still it gives the same message. API requires 'Account Status' permission. Cached Until: 08:56:36 EVE

Can anyone tell me what is the issue here?

Comments (2)

  1. Steven Harrigan

    As the error says, Tripwire requires 'Account Status' permission from the API key. This means that the access mask should be 33554432, not 0. When trying to register a new account, there is a message that says this and it even has a link to create the new key with the correct permissions selected.

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