Tripwire not tracking anymore

Issue #237 resolved
Tzachi Salach created an issue

Hey, As of a few days ago the tracking on tripwire doesn't work anymore. I can log in, change signatures and use everything else in tripwire. Everything was fine 3-4 days ago.

Tried re-logging, re-asigning the list of characters to the tracking window, using a diffrent account, diffrent browser. - nothing works.

Included a picture showing the "Tracking" window, up until a few days ago they all had the location/ship under the names and everything was working perfectly (Navigation/tracking etc..)

Update: Trying to delete characters from the tracking window doesn't even work now. when i remove a character it dissappears from the window, but then upon refreshing or relogging on tripwire the entire list re-populates. Adding new characters doesnt change anything. Update2: It appears to be a chrome issue (or specific to the computer im using). Used the mobile browser for it and it works like a charm. Update3: Tried installing firefox, Problem exists there exactly as it is on chrome.

SS of dev console:

Comments (2)

  1. Tzachi Salach reporter

    Found the issue... For some reason Daylight savings was bugging it out. In my country it changed a few days earlier than the windows clock "intended" due date, and so i changed it manualy, which led to the tracking to fuck up entirely. Changed it back and it works again.

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