
Issue #238 resolved
Former user created an issue

Have restetted tripwire multiple times and removed/added toons for tracking but it doesn't track.

Comments (23)

  1. Tõnis Trei

    I tried removing, adding under tracking and giving auth but it doesn't work. If i check in tripwire under tracking, it does show the charaters but there is no other information about location or ship etc...

    It worked nice before but happened around 5 days ago just suddenly and im unable to get it back to work. Any suggestion?

  2. McdabGames

    Having this same issue, was working ok one day, next day it seems like it doesn't pull data from the api because it doesn't show any information in the tracking window.

    Sorry to comment in on your issue Tõnis Trei, but I didn't think double tickets with the same issue would help anything :P

  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Working on a fix for when ESI returns 0 for a solar system ID which started happening more today when you jump systems. This probably won't help everyone in this issue however.

  4. michael beerens

    Just throwing my hat in the ring. Tracking hasn't worked properly for me all day today either. I've removed/add auth, tried different characters, nothing works.

  5. Дмитрий Литвиненко

    Hello. Unfortunately, still no tracking. But what I can add to this issue is that character tracked when I am in citadel or station. But when I undock, it doesn't track anymore.

  6. Sumo Podenco

    Just tested and got the same as Dmitrij, Auto track only changes when you dock in a station or citadel.

  7. Cybirr

    Same, tracking is unresponsive. Reset APIs, characters, the whole thing. Correctly identifies ship/name but that is it.

  8. Judah Meek

    While debugging this issue, I noticed that AutoMapper is receiving the constellationID as the to parameter, which is breaking things.

  9. Judah Meek

    EVE API bug.png

    This is what I caught after warping to a wormhole. As you can see, the constellationID is being listed as systemID, which is totally wrong. Looks like any location updates where the systemName is null need to be filtered out.

  10. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    It seems CCP have a major glitch somewhere that sometimes the constellation ID is returned from ESI instead of the system ID. CCP is aware of this and will be fixing this ASAP. I will update when I get more info.

  11. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I try to keep connected with the EVE community on many levels so players often have an easy time reaching out to me with issues. The EVE community is very tech savvy also :)

    As for CCP themselves, many of the CCP devs go far beyond their normal job to help the community. This includes working with us 3rd party devs, so I frequently talk with CCP devs. I think that because Tripwire is so well known and used that I get a little bit of extra attention.

  12. Ashy
    • changed status to open

    Tweetfleet Slack is also a pretty good place to get in touch with devs if necessary. Daim is right that so many of them take extra steps to help the community out. Love ya CCP <3

  13. Bob B

    I can report the same. Traveling system-to-system, my location in TripWire doesn't change. When I dock in station it does, right away.

  14. Ashy

    You'd be correct. The patch pushed out yesterday seems to have fixed the issues and we're back to smooth sailing.

    Closing this issue for now, thanks everyone for the bug reports :)

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