Favourited System Stuck

Issue #240 resolved
Tomáš Witzany created an issue

Hello, im not exactly sure how to replicate the bug as it simply happened while I was using tripwire, but I will describe it as best I can. I have a system stuck as a favourite on the chain map:

  • It is not a favourite system (but it might have been favourited and unfavourited in the past).
  • When I set it as my favourite, it shows up twice on the chain map.
  • When I unfavourite it, one of the favourites dissapear, but the one stays stuck.

I was wondering maybe you do like db cleanups of broken things or something every now and then and if i wait a little bit it will get deleted, so I havent reported this right as it happened. So i am experiencing this bug for a few weeks probably by now.

Below I include two images demonstrating the bug, first a view where you see that Pimbeka is not my favourite system, yet it is in the chain. The second a view with TWO Pimbekas :)



Comments (15)

  1. Ashy
    • changed status to open

    Looks like you are just selecting Pimebeka as your current system. Could you try deselecting it please (just choose another one) Tripwire shows you the number of jumps from your currently selected system to any k-spaces in chain, so that's what it's doing there.

    Let me know if that resolves the issue.

  2. Tomáš Witzany reporter

    I was selecting Pimbeka to show when I have or dont have it favourited. A screenshot when Pimbeka is neither selected, nor favourited:


  3. Ashy

    Hmm, try closing that copy of Tripwire and loading it up in a different browser. Lets see if it still has the same problem

  4. Valtyr Farshield

    Not entirely sure why this is happening and with no access to the db I can't tell you what went wrong.

    But, I can show you how to reset Tripwire. Click the link below (WARNING for all other users reading this: it deletes all your favourite systems and everything you can configure under "Preferences" section).

    Hard reset all your options: https://tripwire.eve-apps.com/options.php?mode=set&options={} -- copy this in your browser and hit enter.

  5. Tomáš Witzany reporter

    Ok, thanks for the link, should I reset it or keep the bug in so that somebody with access to the database can find out?

  6. Valtyr Farshield

    Sure, if you don't mind waiting. Or you can reset it after you've posted your config here by running https://tripwire.eve-apps.com/options.php?mode=get. This way we can see if anything went wrong with the options.

    You can redact your userID, characterID, name and favourite system for opsec reasons.

  7. Tomáš Witzany reporter


  8. Valtyr Farshield

    So Pimebeka has ID 30001669, which seems to be in your favorites list even though the star is deselected?

  9. Tomáš Witzany reporter

    Hmm, im not entirely sure whether it was my favourite or was not when i exported the config, but im pretty sure it wasnt favourited... I knew i shouldnt have reset the settings...

    EDIT: Resetting the settings did help btw, i no longer have the system as my favourite

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