Null sec map.

Issue #241 on hold
Former user created an issue


I use tripwire for nullsec exploration and it's such an awesome tool. Currently I'm waiting till CCP will fix location bug (constellation id instead of system id), but I figured out it won't hurt to ask you about a feature I dreamed about since I started playing Eve.

Since you figured out how to track player's location in real time, would you consider adding 2d maps of nullsec space that would track my character? You could use same maps as Dotlan. Those 2d maps are really handy and allows the player to have an idea where he is and where he can go.

Currently I'm using a similar tool which you can find here:

This guy made a website that use dotlan's map and track your location like that: You click the link provided there, log into your account and give permission to track.

However this solution has 2 downsides: - I need to log in and give permission every 25 minutes since that website doesn't store your account info. - I need to switch between Eve window, tripwire and that dotlan tracker (I just use a single pc, single monitor setup).

Both of those downsides would be eliminated if you would add 2d/dotlan nullsec maps to tripwire, since it would be all in a single window (those maps could go to the spot where wh maps are being shown, but for nullsec it would be a full 2d map of the region).

Please consider adding something similar to Tripwire. It would make Tripwire the ultimate exploration tool. I'm pretty sure that you have a lot of nullsec people/explorers using your tool already. Maybe even more than wormhole people. And all of those nullsec guys would be really, really happy if you would implement this feature.

I'm also willing to make a donation for your work on adding this feature, if you would accept that.

Best regards, Matt

Comments (1)

  1. Ashy

    Looks like an interesting feature, but it would probably take quite a bit of dev time!

    Placing on-hold until a suitable time comes up to possibly look at doing something like this.

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