First time installer - lost in translation

Issue #257 invalid
srm created an issue

Ahoi, I just installed (cloned) production branch on a Jessie system. Created tripwire db and eve_api db with utf collation/charset in mariadb. Setup a application key with ESI readLocation, readShip, ui.openWindow, ui.writeWaypoint.

Created a crontab for api pull using the "kickstarter" thing mentioned in another issue. */3 * * * * php -d auto_prepend_file=/home/srm/websites/kickstarter.php /home/srm/websites/tripwire/tools/api_pull.php >> /home/srm/websites/tripwire/logs/cron.log

Now the following things don't work for me:

  • After SSO, using Tracker add asks for the 4 permissions again and after redirect, the tracker is still empty

  • Character location is never updated

  • System activity update counter isn't working, i.e. stays static and it looks like the system info isn't updated automatically

  • System information (kills, jumps) is also not retrieved

I'm absolutely new to the tripwire ecosystem so any help in hunting this down is very much appreciated.

Comments (7)

  1. srm reporter

    Additionally, when trying to understand the update logic, I came across some queries using a "esi" table, but such a table is nowhere to be found in either tripwire or eve_api database. I checked the SQLs mentioned in the root README and it looks like such a table is never created.

  2. srm reporter

    Ok, looks like as if the api_pull at least updates the number of active users on TQ (was a problem with the crontab). But systems are still empty and countdown-indicator still static. Tracker not working too.

  3. srm reporter
    • edited description

    Update: looks like I got the idea of the system activity timer wrong, it is moving now, I guess it updates every hour. So that's fine.

    Now the only prolem is the missing tracking functionality. Maybe I got the redirect URL wrong? But then nothing would work, right? Am I missing some permissions?

    For what it's worth, I saw some queries asking for data from the Eve Dump ($eve_dump.mapSolarSystems for example). This dump was never mentioned in the docs. I have a pathfinder instance where I already imported this data. I create a new DB eve_dump and imported that data too.

    Not sure what's that all about and sorry for spamming with such noob questions.

  4. srm reporter

    Update: timer went one full cycle, but no updated system information is shown. Tracker still not working. I find it hard to understand what might be wrong. Are there any logging facilities?

  5. srm reporter

    For what it's worth and before I go to bed, I don't even see a "esi failure" popup, just nothing.

  6. srm reporter

    Can be closed. The SQL files in "Overview" are outdated/wrong. Used the files from the Download section and now everything seems to be fine, i.e. esi table exists and systemupdate and tracker seems to work.

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