Sig list gets cleared randomly

Issue #26 closed
Robert Hucks created an issue

As far as I can tell nothing is triggering it to happen, but sometimes (random, but seems to happen every couple of days) the entire list of signatures gets completely wiped. No specific time of day either, although its never happened whilst I had the webpage up. I'm 100% sure its not maliciously done by a user either due to it just being a friend and I that have access.

Comments (4)

  1. Robert Hucks reporter

    Its been pointed out to me that it could be the sigs timing out on the four day life span thing and that we simply weren't activating them at the same time as adding them to the list. I can see this being some explanation, especially with the regularity of the sigs being removed, but it doesn't really explain all of the sigs being removed at once seeing as how some of them will have been added on different days as they spawn in.

    So for now I'm still saying there is a bug happening.

  2. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Next time it happens let me know what the signature ID was and what system it was in and I can check the logs and tell you why it was removed. The database table has a trigger on it so even if I manually deleted it on you there would be a record of it.

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