Tripwire Memory usage just goes up till it fills memory then crashes.

Issue #260 resolved
Former user created an issue

Since the last patch to include player online or offline. I've been having a massive memory build up in my system.

As of just before this post I had tripwire tab using 3 gig of memory. Tripwire sits fine for a while then just starts chewing up the memory.

Same on both Opera and Chrome browsers.

Comments (5)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I can only add 3 characters to track which doesn't seem to be enough to cause this particular memory leak. Do you have more info to re-create the leak?

    I have tracked down 2 memory leaks, 1 minor and 1 involving the chain map every time you change the system you are viewing. But these have been in Tripwire for months.

  2. Yorganda

    I run and track 4 toons at once. But even with only 2-3 running I would get the error. I have only had the issue with chrome twice now and everytime with Opera.

    It would generally take 10-15 mins before the ramp up would begin. All I would do is just open my Eve clients and have tripwire running. I started monitoring my computer after the first couple of times it filled the memory. Even if I did nothing it would still ramp up but would take longer. If I was actively scanning or moving toons between systems it would ramp up quicker.

    Hopefully that helps. I'll keep you posted on wether it keeps happening.

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