“Federation Detention Facility” incorrect paste

Issue #267 resolved
Former user created an issue

I scan Ichorya and get these results http://prntscr.com/fo1ctt

Press ^a, ^c and get

DSI-335 Cosmic Signature Combat Site Federation Detention Facility FNSBR-106V 75,2% 53,23 AU OHL-648 Cosmic Anomaly Combat Site Guristas Hidden Hideaway 100,0% 3,67 AU XRH-560 Cosmic Signature Wormhole 0,0% 56,16 AU

^v in Tripwire maketh this http://prntscr.com/fo1dn6

Looks like it wants to have "FED“ as an signature name.

Comments (11)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Having troubles recreating this issue... I know what the problem is however.

    Pasting signatures detects different columns based on the "tab" character (yes there is a character for tabs), you can't use a space since that is in the signature type and name. It seems like your original issue submission there is no tabs between the scanned columns.

    I am guessing you are using a non-english EVE client, an OS never tested for Tripwire, or a browser not supported by Tripwire. Please provide information about these items so I can help come up with a work-around to support your setup.

  2. Сергей Конаков

    I've added 6500 signatures from all-sec and getiing this error only when there is a Federadion Detention Facility in the scan results.

    I have English EVE client, Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview ver. 1703 build 16232.1000 and Chrome 59.0.3071.115

  3. Сергей Конаков

    The string for Federation Detention Facility site is “WFC-200 Federation Detention Facility FNSBR-106V”. Do you parse FNSBR-106V as a next signature?

  4. Сергей Конаков

    Yes, the proMblem is located.

    These lines will be inserted with error

    CJH-008 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole 100,0% 39 km SOQ-874 Cosmic Anomaly Combat Site Guristas Hideaway 100,0% 14,78 AU WOJ-624 Cosmic Anomaly Ore Site Average Kernite and Omber Deposit 100,0% 1,77 AU WRW-352 Cosmic Signature Combat Site Federation Detention Facility FNSBR-106V 100,0% 27,17 AU

    but if you remove 'FNSBR-106V' from the last line, everything works like a charm.

  5. Сергей Конаков

    You don't need to remove the whole 'FNSBR-106V', it's enough to remove only 2 last symbols:


    I'm pretty sure you have a regular expression like \u{3]-\d{3} wich misfires at SBR-106, because it looks like an anomaly ID, but it's not not anomaly.

  6. Сергей Конаков

    Player Paul Utkin found in

    \js\core.js, line 2119:

    if (columns[x].match(/([A-Z]{3}[-]\d{3})/)) {

    I suggest adding spaces to the both ends of the pattern:

    if (columns[x].match(/(\s[A-Z]{3}[-]\d{3}\s)/)) {

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