Add Snap to current system/ Target system on chain map

Issue #27 on hold
juanita San Askold created an issue

Would be handy on a big ass chain maps/Thera connections

Comments (5)

  1. juanita San Askold reporter

    Unfortunately I am not a programmer, Just a eve guy. Kraesk said this was the place to make suggestions.

  2. Yracka

    For snap-to current system add a button between where the current system is displayed and the 'follow my in-game system' button is. Not a toggle, just an action button.

    For snap-to target system, how about in the pane that shows the name of the target system. Say on the same line, on the left side beside the star icon toggle.

    Wouldn't hurt to add hot-key shortcuts for both actions.

    Are these the kind of suggestions you were asking for?

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