Delayed/Inaccurate Tracking/Mapping

Issue #275 closed
Former user created an issue

For the past few weeks, maybe longer, our corp has been having a lot of issues with tripwire.

We will scan our chain down and add/update signatures manually, but if someone is moving through the wormhole chain with the auto-mapping turned on, it starts adding wormhole connections off of the wrong holes where the connections do not exist.

The only thing I can assume is that the character tracking is lagging or delayed, and thinks our characters are jumping from a previous wormhole behind us in the chain when using the auto-mapping feature, and a hole we may have just jumped into is getting added 2 or 3 wormholes back, or maybe even off of a random k-space connection we may have previously been in. Sometimes new holes are getting mapped off of a complete different chain coming off of our wormhole.

With a lot of arguing and rage-rolling it's been somewhat manageable, but tonight we had the same wormhole three different times in different chains from our home hole. We kept yelling at each other and deleting them, and for the life of us could not rebuild the chain at all. Somehow that wormhole kept re-adding itself off of our home hole even though it was 2 jumps away down a static chain. We gave up and are just rolling the connection and starting fresh.

Please please please look into these issues.

Comments (2)

  1. Ashy
    • changed status to open

    Sounds like Tripwire is detecting one system change but not another. Like you said, likely due to it being slow/delayed. I would think this is down to CCP and the ESI tracking which we use now.

    Have you noticed many "ESI Connection Failed" error messages recently? That could be the culprit, which is, unfortunately, CCP's fault.

    I'd also suggest you check the console section of Chrome's dev tools (press F12 in browser) and see if there are many errors there. If so, a screenshot would be fantastic.

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