Can't access settings

Issue #278 resolved
alone001 created an issue

I log into tripwire and I see the settings icon and the icon that looks like panes. Can't access them. No system loads either.

Comments (5)

  1. Ashy

    Sounds like either you don't understand Tripwire at all, or you are running an outdated browser. I recommend you join #tripwire-dev on tweetfleet slack and come discuss the issue

  2. alone001 reporter

    I downloaded firefox and it loaded up perfectly. I see the jita graph. I believe it is working now. I was using IE11 I believe. I guess it's not compatible. Thank you for your assistance and suggestion. I guess there is not a way for it to work on internet explorer.

  3. Steven Harrigan

    @alone001, I highly suggest you switch from using IE11 over to edge. It should also come with windows by default, is faster, has better support for standards, and is all around a better experience. Otherwise, if you're ok with them, using Firefox or Chrome are also great alternatives.

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