CREST Tracking failure.

Issue #281 closed
shr00mie created an issue

Tracking via CREST SSO does not appear to be functioning at the moment.

Chrome console output:


Comments (8)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    CCP are aware of issues on their end and are working to fix it - so far nothing I can do for Tripwire until it is fixed.

  2. shr00mie reporter

    yeah. i just dug around and then looked at the URL and figured it was on CCP's end, but i figure maybe just let people know that it's a thing and it's not on the Tripwire end. Love the app. Keep up the good work. :)

  3. Anerty

    From the look of it, it seems that TripWire is using an old version of the ESI which is no longer supported. Tripwire is using v1, whereas the "legacy" version shown here is v3 and the current one here is v4.

    I've tried the links with v3 and v4 and they seem to work, so it could be a case of Tripwire's code lagging behind CCP's API evolutions.

  4. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    @anertybb You are looking at the wrong API end-point for location, that is general character info which Tripwire doesn't even use. Location end point doesn't even show in the swagger docs because CCP have removed it from ESI completely until they can fix the issues with it. Hopefully that is Monday now.

    Also v1 is the latest stable version of the /location end-point - the end-point you are talking about has a latest stable of v3!/Character/get_characters_character_id

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