Erroneous K-Space Tab Entries

Issue #283 on hold
Former user created an issue

When looking at a tab filtered on K-space, why does it sometimes show an extra k-space connection for every wormhole in a system? Picture attached.

Comments (4)

  1. Ashy
    • changed status to open

    K-space mapping is a bit of an awkward one. I would personally suggest you use regular mapping and set each system as a "wormhole". What you can do is make it a wormhole type sig, leave the sig ID as ??? and set the type to 'GATE'. That way you can map a chain which includes both kspace and wspace.

    If you are planning on mapping several different chains from kspace then I suggest creating separate tabs.

  2. Kevin King

    Unfortunately that's not really a viable solution to give to >40 scanners in the same corp that operate predominantly in k-space. The K-space tab is one of the main ways we know what regions we have access to from our space.

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