Problems with mask

Issue #288 closed
Marko Kurs created an issue


Following issues

  1. Created mask as Corp admin, added my own Corp into access list and recive error that mask admin should not be part of access list?

  2. Not all Corp members can see the created mask

Do I need a 3rd Corp just to create a mask??

Comments (2)

  1. Steven Harrigan

    The created mask automatically includes the corp that created it, so it doesn't need to be added. If the mask is for only your corp, there's one created under default for that. If you need other corps to have access, that's when you create a custom mask and add them to it.

    It is strange that corp members would not be able to see it though. Anyone with access to the custom mask (including members of the corp that created it) should be able to. If that's not the case something weird is going on, but we'll need help nailing it down.

    If you can, please get a list of:

    • names of the characters who can't see the mask when they're supposed to
    • how long those characters have been in the associated corp(s)
    • a screenshot of their tripwire account settings so we can see the masks they do have access to in the UI

    Additionally, it would be helpful to know the tripwire account that created the mask itself.

    Thanks a bunch for your help.

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