Tripwire deleting signatures that still exist

Issue #30 resolved
Ransu Asanari created an issue

Our highsec static in J134654 rolled.

I did CTRL+A // CTRL+C to all our signatures, then did a Paste into Tripwire in Chrome in an external browser window.

It deleted NCY - a signature that is still present. It does this repeatedly even if I close the browser completely and reopen.

I've attached a screenshot to illustrate:

The paste results:

IRL-180 Cosmic Signature 0% 4.95 AU RDB-147 Cosmic Signature 0% 6.49 AU DCF-024 Cosmic Signature 0% 7.82 AU MQF-120 Cosmic Signature 0% 7.89 AU UKM-728 Cosmic Signature 0% 8.66 AU NCY-712 Cosmic Signature 0% 9.53 AU

Comments (3)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner


    Wow, been battling this bug for awhile and never been able to figure it out until now! Awesome work with the detailed report finally lead me to discover the issue...

    So since you had a signature with an ID of "???" the paste tried to remove the signature since there wasn't one in the paste with an ID of "???" obviously. This actually removed the wrong signature because the NCY was the first signature it found with an ID of "???" on EITHER side... oops It is supposed to only check the side your viewing!

    So problem is now fixed! Cheers :)

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