Custom Masks... Alliances or distributed groups cant use tripwire.

Issue #303 closed
Former user created an issue

We currently has masking, which is ok for small groups but it's terrible for larger groups, needing every corporations director get involved just to make it work is a nightmare and most probably just wont bother for what would be a small minority of users within their corps.

So I would like to request two things, first is an Alliance Mask, why is this not a thing already anyway, and secondly Custom Masks.

For Custom masks any users should be able to provide a custom mask name and mask password, then anyone else with this information should be able to just add the mask and mask password and then see everything they need to see.

Custom Masks like this will allow whole regions to share their tripwire, this is not something that will really help wormhole group's, this request is for everyone else, all those explorer groups working off in game chat channels because their spread accross many corps and cant share tripwire.

Comments (1)

  1. Ashy

    Thank you for the input, especially on channel based explorer groups. I personally wasn't aware that such groups existed.

    We're got changes coming up on masks soon so look out for that and see if it fits what you're after ;)

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