TW/SSO Login issues when also logged into

Issue #309 wontfix
Gabby Hon created an issue

Today I noticed that TW wasn't tracking me, so I clicked the 'Add' button, and ended up on an error page, with a very long error code.

Okay, fine. So I tried to log in to the EVE Forums, and was thrown to a page that would only allow me to identify as "Caldari Citizen 12345xxx".

Something was wrong.

A couple of attempts later, I was treated to a new error page on the EVE site which explained that if I'm simultaneously logged into, I can't log in to


I then went to, logged out, and magically, SSO was once again available to me, as was the ability to be tracked by TW. Huzzah.

Maybe this will resolve itself once EVE Valkyrie is fully divested from CCP, but just an interesting FYI.

Comments (2)

  1. Ashy
    • changed status to open

    Interesting and I love your verbose issue writing. I'll have a chat with Daim in a bit (hopefully I remember to do that, pizza might stop me)

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