Multiple signatures pointing to previous connection during transition

Issue #31 closed
Dominous Nolen created an issue

When jumping from one connection to another the signature list is not clearing and is point to the previous Jcode on multiple signature entries. IGB Link still references the previous jcode/system name

This will not clear until the sig list from the new wormhole is pasted into the tool.

Attaching screen cap for reference.

Comments (5)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I am guessing part of the issue is that you have auto-mapper enabled in multiple browsers at the same time.

  2. Dominous Nolen reporter

    I did have a browser session open in Chrome as well. I forgot it was open. I run 3 clients pretty consistently and sometimes keep the browser open when I'm moving through multiple sigs on 2 of the 3 accounts.

  3. Dominous Nolen reporter

    Update: Single browser open now and my client is no updating location correctly. I went from a c2 to HS and the sig list did not change along with the system name remained the previous wormhole I was in prior to jumping.

  4. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Logged into the same account? How many total browsers and tabs do you have open? How many have auto-follower enabled?

  5. Ashy

    Old issue so I'll close this. Please open another ticket or contact us another way if you are still having problems

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