Allow marking K162 wormholes with type

Issue #317 resolved
Erik Westra created an issue

When you select 'show info' on a wormhole it will tell you if it is going to:

  • High sec
  • Low sec
  • Null sec
  • Unknown (C1-C3)
  • Dangerous unknown (C3+)

It would be nice if we could mark the wormhole signature information with this knowledge. This could also (in some cases) prevent the question which signature was used on transition.

Comments (2)

  1. Pezz

    You can already do this, just edit the sig and type:

    Class-1 Class-2 etc Low-Sec Null-Sec High-Sec

    Just for your own info: dangerous are C4 or 5 and "deadly" is a C6.

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