Ability to export chain between systems

Issue #361 resolved
Jonathan Wessels created an issue

Looking to have the ability to have a text export ability of the connections between 2 systems, anywhere in the current chain.

What this means, is that if there's a c5 on one side of chain you want to get to, and you're in a c3 on the other side of a chain, you'd have the ability to get a text export in a form such as:

4i->3i->2i->1i->c5 h296->c4 k162->LS c140->c5 k162

Obviously, I understand that the format it exports in will not be able to match everyones bookmark methods, but can try match their settings on tripwire. The one issue is see, is having the option to export returns as "ins" instead of just their type.

As for selecting the systems which you wan't the chain for, I am unsure of your limitations, but here are some suggestions:

  • Dragging origin systems onto destination
  • Right click system and "Set Origin", right click system "Set Destination" (Which you already have)

After setting the 2 waypoints, can either be copied straight to clipboard, or there can be a small "Waypoints/Navigation" tab that all users have, and there they can see the connections, and copy if needed.

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