Feature Request: Dead Sig Management

Issue #364 wontfix
SilverDagger01 created an issue

Given that most wormholers are familiar with the experience of warping to a wormhole sig and discovering there is nothing on grid to jump through, it would be convenient to have an easy way to flag a sig as being a "Dead Sig".

Personally, I simply name a wh "DEAD SIG"; however, I feel like there could be a better way, especially since there are mixed methods of handling dead sigs and no established, agreed upon method.

I believe that adding a "Dead" option to the Life dropdown would help. This could flag the wormhole similarly to an EOL hole, replace the timer with --:--, and it would be very easy to understand what is going on and for users to adopt a uniform method of flagging sigs that aren't "real".

I recognize this suggestion is rather trivial, however with triviality comes (what I hope at least) would be relative ease of implementation. I don't personally foresee CCP fixing the dead sig problem anytime soon, so I feel it is appropriate that 3rd party software adapt as needed.

Comments (2)

  1. Mitchell Kennedy

    Pretty sure this already exists, if a wormhole is gone, its sig is gone ingame. You recopy your probe launcher and add it to tw, then you click the blue bubble that says delete old sigs. Unless your talking about wormholes that havnt been opened but have a sig.

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