No Tripwire account for that character

Issue #412 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have an existing account at tripwire but I cannot login to tripwire today.

Tripwire website keeps on saying "No Tripwire account for that character" after I login with SSO.

The website asks me to make a new account for my character. So I did, with SSO. I shouldn't be able to do that because I have an existing account for the character. But somehow the website lets me do that.

After that I still can't login with the "new" account.

Comments (8)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I need to know the character name to fix this.

    It is caused by ESI failing mid account creation. I will have to code up a way to handle it but for now I can fix it manually.

  2. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    That character has an account already that was created 12/08/2018 and has already been logged into 32 times. Last login was today at 8:09 EVE time.

    Wrong character?

  3. Belinda Mishi

    It is that character. But I can't log in. Website says "No Tripwire account for that character". I cleared my browser's cache before trying again.

    I tried another browser and it is still that way.

    I can't login today. So I am not sure about that last log in at 8:09 eve time.

  4. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I am guessing CCP are having ESI issues ... cuz I didn't touch a thing. I was confused what was happening haha

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