Unable to sign/login as admin; have user account already

Issue #419 resolved
Former user created an issue

As the title says, am trying to create an admin account so can get this working for the corporation. It refuses to work. Thanks

Comments (10)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Can you share a bit more when you say "It refuses to work"? I've checked the server logs but there were no errors at all. I did notice one of the server nodes was in need of a reboot, so I've done that.

  2. jim

    Sure thing. I am logged in with an already created user (aprhael) is the user. I would like to sign up the corp to use your service. I click register as admin it takes me to the SSO, that works, i login as the appropriate character and then returns me to this screen, no workie. I've posted the only response I get when doing this. I am CEO of the corp I am trying to administer. I've also tried this on both internet explorer and firefox, so it's not no-script that is interfering with the process. Thank you for looking into this.


  3. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I haven't been able to recreate the issue yet and there are still no errors in the logs. I do have a theory that it could be caused by a character that has no corp roles assigned, I need to test this theory by removing roles from one of my character and waiting for the EVE API to update, which will take 1 hour for the cache to expire.

    Now I have verified Aprhael is the CEO of the corp and I can manually make that character a corp admin in Tripwire if you do not want to wait for the fix, let me know if you want me to make the manual change.

  4. jim

    I've tried it on an alt too in the same corp that is a director, still no luck. Not sure exactly what would be causing it. I can wait, that's not an issue, but I won't say no to manual fix too, would be nice to get this set up...one less thing to dick with tomorrow ;) Thanks again for looking into this, and apologize for the work this is.

  5. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I've gone ahead and set Aprhael as an admin.

    If I am not correct about the issue, this could take longer to fix so best no leave you in limbo too long. Thanks for reporting the issue - I am sure others have hit this issue and have not reported it.

  6. Matthew Collinsworth

    I am having the exact same issue on my character Kreelenov. He is CEO of his corp as well. I tried setting an alternate username and password manually in my character settings and then made the attempt both while logged in and after logging out. Exact same results as above.

  7. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I confirmed the issue is because the character has no corporate titles assigned to them. I am working on a fix but it won't be finished until tomorrow. Assign a corp title and wait 60 minutes (that is the EVE API cache time for this data).

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