Mass tracking does not work anymore when the wormhole was renamed

Issue #42 closed
malheum created an issue


in our corp we extensively use the possibility in tripwire to rename systems. For example out of "J123456" we make "J123456 C3a", out of "J654321" we make "J654321 C3b" and then we have different C3a, C3b, C3c etc, this makes it easier for us to navigate and talk about the wh chain in voice comms.

But I think that tripwire stops tracking mass and transits once a wormhole are renamed in tripwire.

And the mass tracking in tripwire is quite actually a nice feature to have, because you know what ships already passed through a wh, even though tripwire cannot know if there was an afterburner or mwd active etc, so the mass can be incorrect.


Comments (3)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    I have not been able to duplicate this yet - if you are able to list the steps you take to cause the issue I can probably solve it quickly, thanks!

  2. malheum reporter

    Strangely, it just worked for me too when I just tried.

    It used to be that when I rename a wh in tripwire by right clicking it and then choosing rename from the menu that contains "Flares, mass, rename and collapse", that after that the mass tracking in tripwire did not work, not showing my own transits nor showing the transits of my corp mates.

    Is it possible that the moment when I rename the wh is important ? Often I rename a wh after just one transit by myself, the wormhole I just renamed where everything worked was already well used.

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