Option to hide Anomalies

Issue #488 new
Former user created an issue

I just started using Tripwire with some of my corpmates. I recently started to just filter out all Cosmic Anomalies, since they aren't really useful for what I need. But some of my corpmates likes to have them on their list and end up pasting them into Tripwire.

It would be a really nice little option to have to just hide Cosmic Anomalies. A simple checkbox in Settings -> Preferences.

This is of course assuming that the major type is even saved? I can see in the paste that it does contain rather it is a Cosmic Signature or a Cosmic Anomaly, but is it saved in Tripwire's backend?

Example: KVF-376 Cosmic Signature 0,0% 24,63 AU PMG-445 Cosmic Anomaly Combat Site Serpentis Hideaway 100,0% 34,34 AU QHT-010 Cosmic Signature Wormhole Unstable Wormhole 100,0% 24,57 AU XQH-680 Cosmic Anomaly Combat Site Serpentis Hideaway 100,0% 23,47 AU

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