SSO Login Error

Issue #509 resolved
Baulith Medias created an issue

I have a personal TW account. Joined a corp and they have their own TW site. My personal account has the new corp information under settings however using the SSO to the corp site results in the attached error. Additionally the personal site, even if I use it, does not update the systems I am going to in Eve. Not sure if the platform is confused by a personal account (the same account and SSO login?) I have registered previously for the SSO capability too. Is there a way to delete a TW account and start anew?

Comments (1)

  1. Baulith Medias reporter

    Resolved by clicking on the in game chat to bring me to the Tripwire instance of my corp. That resolved the SSO error I was receiving. Was walked through this fix by another long term corp member that has been through this before.

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