
Issue #519 resolved
Former user created an issue

Will not allow new corporation to current mask and will not allow to crate new mask

Comments (4)

  1. Catbriar Chelien

    This is most likely related so posting here.

    I have my own mask which I created a few years ago. I have had a number of characters with access to my mask for a year or more. When I attempt to add a new character to my mask the following happens:

    Select my mask, click edit, listing of allowed characters appears, go to bottom of list and select add character (+ in window), select character and type in name (known name, one of my alts not currently on the list). The search starts, the partial circle keeps spinning. It will continue searching and does not stop. No results are ever shown.

  2. Catbriar Chelien

    Yes, the issue has been fixed. Thank you for your time and consideration, much appreciated.

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