Unable to search custom masks due to SQL query error

Issue #522 duplicate
Wylo Otsada created an issue

the custom mask query in tripwire/public/masks.php on line 176 is not valid (kinda). GROUP BY masks.maskID is not necessary when using SELECT DISTINCT and is causing custom mask to not show up in searches/joined results. Mysql may allow partial grouping if ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is disabled though it is enabled by default which would cause issues with this query.

It looks like this query is present in the production and development branches but I don’t see that as an options in the Version dropdown ^_^

Comments (2)

  1. Catbriar Chelien

    I am helping a corp mate with his Tripwire. He is attempting to create a personal mask but when adding “who has access” he gets the unending spinning circle in the search window. When I do it, it works fine. Wish I could be more helpful, just commenting.

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