Registration with ESI not recognised on login

Issue #524 closed
Chris Kirk created an issue

Upon user registration to Tripwire (via ESI) which displays a success message (first image), the same character is then not recognised after attempted ESI login (second image). Character name is Kirksko

Comments (4)

  1. Chris Kirk reporter

    Just discovered an account that was registered manually a long time ago with the username “Kirksko”, but it has a totally different character (Jellyflux) attached to it. Is there any way to delete this account so I can use it for my main “Kirksko” character?

  2. Chris Kirk reporter

    I’ve solved this issue on my own, turns out a chrome extension for dark mode was messing with the tripwire UI which made all options boxes not display anything. I managed to rename my old account and register with my main. This issue can be closed :)

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