No inputs possible - only menu interaction

Issue #532 open
Khacia Fides created an issue

Yesterday everything worked fine. Today I can login via SSO but cannot input data or interact with anything other than buttons and menu. When I try to save or paste anything, the menu freezes and nothing happens.

Steps to reproduce:


  • Login via SSO
  • be in a corp mask
  • Create tab of local system
  • copy/paste signatures
  • See the “delete signatures” popup in upper right but no signatures being inserted

Manual input:

  • Have a tab of a system like above
  • Click + to enter new signature
  • Click add
  • See no signature being added

Tried the following:

  • Logout and login
  • delete browser cache
  • restart pc
  • asked other members of the corp if they have the same issue

    • one had but he managed to resolve by deleting all tabs which didn’t help for me

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