Tripwire does not open in the ingame browser

Issue #55 closed
Sami Deiri created an issue

My ingame browser refuses to open tripwire. There is a "browsing to link at the bottom of the window.

After leaving it for about 10 minutes the browser loads a very basic tripwire page consisting of text and text boxes.

I have had to use another browser to open tripwire as it is really needed for now, but cant determine the issue. I updated java and downloaded a not-chrome version,with no avail

Comments (3)

  1. Josh Glassmaker repo owner

    Sounds like the IGB (in-game browser) is not connecting to CloudFlare CDNs for web content... usually only and issue for XP users now. Try using the test version of Tripwire called Galileo (it works like EVE's SiSi and uses the same data as live). Galileo doesn't use CloudFlare and servers all content from the same server.

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